
Showing posts with label #India's Divider in Chief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #India's Divider in Chief. Show all posts

Saturday 11 May 2019

“Time’s Divider in Chief Article”

 “Time” and “Tide” waits for none.  Because, both of them means business.
In the latest report of “Time” magazine, it meant only business and nothing else. “Time” knew it very well that as on date nothing sells like “Modi” not even “Trump”. Hence, It took a prudent marketing decision to place Mr Narendra Modi on the front page with a sensational headline “India‘s Divider in Chief” written by an offshoot of Indo-Pak parents.
“Time” is fully aware that cover page with sensational tagline is itself more than enough for making the opposition of India to celebrate and ruling party to outrage. Both ways it is going to add to the market of “Time”.
However, when you go through the article, you will come to know that this article contains nothing more than a compilation of allegations and counter allegations hurled by BJP led NDA and Congress led Opposition on each other.
Let us analyze “Time’s Divider in Chief Article”.
When Rahul led opposition is all up in arms quoting the report published in “Time” magazine, they forgot to notice that the same report has ripped apart Nehru, Congress party and Mr Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka and associates. Here is the extract of the report:
1.       Indian Muslims were allowed to keep Shari'a based family law while Hindus were subject to the law of the land. Arcane practices such as the man's right to divorce a woman by repudiating her three times and paying a miniscule compensation-were allowed for Indian Muslims, while Hindus were bound by reformed family law and often found their places of worship taken over by the Indian state." -- Secular Congress??.
2.      "Nehru's political heirs, who ruled India for the great majority of those post independence years, established a feudal dynasty, while outwardly proclaiming democratic norms and principles. India under their rule was clubbish, anglicised and fearful of the rabble at the gates." --Democratic Congress??

3.      "The country had a long history of politically instigated sectarian riots, most notably the killing of at least 2733 Sikhs in the streets of Delhi after the 1984 assassination of Indira Gandhi." - Congress of Gandhian Values??

4.      The incumbent may win again - the opposition, led by Rahul Gandhi, an unteachable mediocrity and a descendant of Nehru, is in disarray" -- Strong Congress led by intelligent Rahul??

5.      "Modi has won- and may yet win again - but to what end? His brand of populism has certainly served as convincing critique of Indian Society, of which there could be no better symbol than the Congress party. They have little to offer other than the dynastic principle, yet another member of the Nehru-Gandhi family. India's oldest party has no more political imagination than to send Priyanka Gandhi -Rahul's sister-to join brother's side. It would be equivalent  of the Democrat's fielding Hillary Clinton again in 2020, with the added enticement of Chelsea as VP." - Politically bankrupt Congress

Last but not the least--

6.      "Modi is lucky to be blessed with so weak an opposition- a ragtag coalition of parties, led by the Congress, with no agenda other than to defeat him" 
I do not close the study half way. It is noteworthy for BJP led by Modi and NDA led by BJP to appreciate certain genuine concerns being raised by various quarters of Indian ecosystem and some of them have rightly found place in “Time” magazine report.
We as a civilized society need to invest heavily on strengthening our old age philosophy of “सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः” and ensure that every citizen of the society gets due respect and dignity. We have been failing on these account for so long but if you want to be the change, if you want to be known as different political material you cannot afford to keep caste and religion based differentiation for long and yet try to maintain political niche.
My appeal to India, stand united against all intellectual aggression, be self critic, improve where need to improve, but for god sake don’t celebrate any foreign effort of your degradation just because it may give you a bit of political mileage.
Jai hind

Monday 9 July 2018

Indian National Congress (INC) Or Hindu Congress

MAJ (Md.Ali Jinnah)called INC 
a Hindu Congress

"Secularism" is the most talked about topic in the independent India. It is more so today, when India is ruled by BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party) and its ally (NDA) led by Shri Narendra Modi as PM. Congress leaves no effort to brand current government and its leading political party BJP as a Hindu Party, anti Muslim or communal party (both words have become synonymous). 

To appreciate the facts linked to perception based branding of any political organisation as secular or non secular, I will take you to pre-independence era of India. India was inching towards independence from English dominion and "Two nation" theory was gaining strength. The patron of " Two nation" theory Md. Ali Jinnah was not at all in mood to accept independence as one nation on certain notions which he categorically mentioned in his write ups to British government in order to justify his demand. He said:

1.  Muslim India will never accept any method of framing the constitution of India by means of  one constitution making body for all India in which mussulmans will be in hopeless minority.
2.  Nor will they agree to any united India constitution, federal or otherwise, with one centre, in which, again they will be in hopeless minority, and will be at the mercy of perennial Hindu majority domination.
3.   Further, any attempt to set up a provisional government at the centre, which would be in any way prejudice or militate against the Pakistan demand, will not be acceptable to us, as the thin end of the wedge, as it is sought by Hindu India under the term of the Provisional "National" Government of India.
4.   If the labour government wishes to prove its bonafides to give freedom to the peoples of this sub continent, they must face realities and facts as they are. First, the Hindus and the Mussulmans are two major nations living in this sub-continent, and there are Muslim Provinces and Hindu Provinces, and it is the high time that the British government apply their mind definitely to the division of India and the establishment of Pakistan and Hindustan , which means freedom for both, whereas an united India means slavery for mussulmans and complete domination of the imperialistic caste Hinduraj throughout this sub-continent, and this is what the Hindu Congress (http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/cab127-1361.jpg) seeks to attain by constant threats to all and sundry...

If we just go by the highlighted portion of above statements made by Md. Ali Jinnah, he had brandished the then Political Party in the helm of the affairs as "Hindu congress" and in no mincing words linked the INC with word like "Hindu Majority domination", "Hindu India". In view of the above fact, can INC claim to be secular party, if yes, why BJP should be called communal?
If one has to make up their mind about secular credential of INC ( Indian National Congress) after going through the letter and its annexure written by Md. Ali Jinnah to then British government, what will be your opinion on the subject. Kindly comment in comment box.
Disclaimer: It is just for academic purpose and not for any political purpose.

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