
Saturday 30 March 2019

Kanhaiya Kumar: Why I am a ‘detrimental politician’ – and why I must be defeated in the Lok Sabha election 2019

Kanhaiya Kumar: Why I am a ‘detrimental politician’ – and why I must be defeated in the #Lok Sabha #election 2019 (A Parody)

I shot into national limelight in February 2016 when, as president of Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union, I was arrested and charged with sedition. it is time tested formula of becoming favorites of leftist forces, you can also try if you wish.

A video clearly showing me shouting slogans demanding “azadi”turned out to be real and the same was validated by national forensic lab. Almost three years later, a chargesheet was finally filed against me in January.

Report of Indian Express on March 3,2016 on my interim bail order states,
quote (.)

TAKING a strict view against alleged “anti-national slogans” raised on the campus of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on February 9, the Delhi High Court today granted six-month interim bail to JNUSU president Kanhaiya Kumar with the condition that he give an undertaking that he would not “actively or passively” participate in such an activity again.

The bench of Justice Pratibha Rani, in its order, held that “the thoughts reflected in the slogans raised by some of the students of JNU who organised and participated in that programme cannot be claimed to be protected as fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression”, and that the court would 

“consider this as a kind of infection which needs to be controlled/cured before it becomes an epidemic”.

“Whenever some infection is spread in a limb,” 
the court said, 
“effort is made to cure the same by giving antibiotics orally and if that does not work, by following second line of treatment. Sometimes it may require surgical intervention also. However, if the infection results in infecting the limb to the extent that it becomes gangrene, amputation is the only treatment.” unquote (.)

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Events unfolded in ways that I didn’t realise when I became a “detrimental politician”.

I am an academic by training. But we live in a society where me and people like me nurture and promote violence around us in various manifestations,  be it literal, mental or systemic to name a few- terrorism, naxalism, intellectual terrorism (which shamelessly promotes Goddess Durga as prostitue), urban naxalism and so on. 

So more than anything else, I am also an anti social activist.

I see it as my social responsibility to be part of an "Alter(ior)-motive politics". 

                          Yes you heard it right, "Alter (ior)-motive politics"

A politics that stands up and fights against nation and its citizens by nurturing, promoting, and spreading naxalism, anti national sentiments, terrorism and so on so forth.

A politics that dreams of an India that rises in support of every element what divides us, and deride and demotivate what unites us.

A politics that dreams of a society that truly values only and only leftist thinking, marxist values, and have no place for Vedic Knowledge and their supporters. you may safely call my philosophy of nation is anti sanatana philosophy.

A politics that dreams of a democracy strong enough like erstwhile USSR and present China and  not just to undo the progress of the past five years, but to spoil the opportunities of the coming 20.

That is why we fight. And this, is my story.

The story of who I am is not special. I was like most people around me. In school, I gave polio drops. In college, I worked at a coaching class. In Delhi, as I studied for Union Public Service Commission exams, I took up a job. My brother worked as a guard in Assam, and sent me money for UPSC coaching classes 
but I failed his all efforts by joining anti national elements, 
abusing our country and defence forces, deriding our gods and goddesses.
And rest assured  if you are not making me to loose my deposits, I will be thankful to you for  your anti social, anti sanatana and anti national verdict.

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