
Thursday 24 January 2019

Has Raijv Gandhi Charitable Trust acquired farmers land illegally

Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Vikas Pariyojana (Trust)
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Is Gandhi family the real Samrat of Samrat cycle factory Amethi?

"Kanhi Khushi Kanhi gam" was witnessed in Amethi on 23.01.2019. Farmers of Shahgarh, Amethi staged a demonstration against Shri Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday, prior to his arrival to Amethi. 

It was surprising for we, the common man that why farmers are staging demonstration against the farmer friendly family. After a little research on the subject, it is discovered that it is similar to mini #National_Herald case. 

It has so happened that Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC)  had acquired land from farmers and leased to  M/S Samrat Cycle Factory in 1986 for 90 years on a condition that farmers whose land has been acquired will get a job in the factory. Cycle factory started and some of the farmers got employment as well. 

Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) officials said the 65-acre land leased to Samrat Bicycles was "illegally" transferred on the company's name.

It is said that the company got the lease converted to ownership. it is further said that a letter has been written to the District Magistrate seeking correction in the record and the land should be returned to UPSIDC.

"The 65-acre land was leased on the name of Samrat Bicycles Limited. Later, the company got the land registered in its name in the Revenue department, which is illegal. The land should not be in the name of the company as it was given to it on a lease for 90 years," As per UPSIDC officals statement.

Meanwhile,  former Amethi District Magistrate Jagat Raj said, "I have investigated the case and there has been fraud. Because this land is 204 acre and in 1984 UPSIDC had acquired the land. UPSIDC then leased the land for 90 years to Samrat Bicycle Ltd.

"When any land is leased no name is registered. But for some reason, the land was registered in Samrat Bicycle's name and that was wrong.

M/S Samrat Cycle Factory was closed in 1988-89 and all farmers lost their employment. Subsequent to closure of the company, It is said by agencies that the land and asset of M/S Samrat Cycle factory were auctioned to Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Vikas Pariyojna (Trust) (Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust). The Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust paid Rs.  20.10 crores for the land along with Rs. 1 crore 50 thousands as stamp duty.So it appears to be yet another game of acquiring land of farmer through indirect route, which requires investigation.

Here it is interesting to know about Rajiv Gandhi Mahila Vikas Pariyojna (Trust) (Rajiv Gandhi Charitable Trust). Here is the link of RGCT to know more about it.                                              http://www.rgct.in/innovative_model_of_empowerment.asp

Once the land and asset of M/S Samrat Cycle Factory were acquired by RGMVP (Trust), affected farmers once again became hopeful about starting of the cycle factory and thus regaining their employment. But since then almost 3 decades have been passed but nothing has progressed. Farmers of the area are becoming restless and hence made it a point to express their anger prior to arrival of their beloved MP Shri Rahul Gandhi.

With a  hope that their pain will be noticed and if not "Samrat Cycle Factory" at least "Prince Cycle Factory" will see the light of the day, I wish farmers good luck.

Disclaimer: Information are collected from various agencies and writer does not have onus of proving its authenticity. It is not intended to tarnish somebody's image.

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